EPALS endorsed by RCPCH
We are delighted to announce that our EPALS (European Paediatric Advanced Life Support) course has received endorsement from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH).
Statement on 2019 Health Profile for England
RCUK welcomes a predicted downward trend in heart disease and reflects on the continued need for high quality resuscitation.
Defib Dani
Case Study: Susan - "CPR training helped save my husband’s life"
Case Study: Simon - "It took a team to save my life"
Make defibs accessible 24/7 to help increase survival rates across the UK, say national resus experts
Case Study: John - "I couldn't have had a cardiac arrest at a better place"
Statement on ReSPECT’s impact on reducing potentially avoidable emergency admissions from care homes
A report by the Improvement Analytics Unit and Health Foundation saw that reducing emergency admissions could be good for care homes.
ILCOR releases latest scientific statement, Top 10 steps to improve in-hospital cardiac arrest outcomes and care
Winning ReSPECT abstracts announced