Anyone can save a life, and anyone can use a defibrillator. Watch our new animated character Defib Dani take you through the steps to using a public access defibrillator.
For Restart a Heart 2023, we’re promoting the use of public access defibrillators and encouraging rescue-ready defibrillators to be registered on The Circuit. That’s why we’ve created Defib Dani, a new engaging animation that takes you through the simple steps to using a defibrillator.
61% of people say they aren’t confident enough to use a defibrillator, yet early CPR and defibrillation can significantly increase survival rates.
What many don’t realise is that a defibrillator is designed to be used by the public and when you switch it on, it will take you through the steps you need to help save a life. Watch our animation to increase your confidence today.
Defibrillation goes hand-in-hand with CPR. Learn how to do CPR today.
Defib Dani is also available to watch in Welsh and Urdu:
Welsh translation
Urdu translation
What is defibrillation?
A defibrillator gives a jolt of energy to the heart, which can help restore the heart’s rhythm, and get it beating normally again. This simple piece of equipment is easy to use and doesn’t require training, but it could make the difference between life and death – so it’s important to find and use a defibrillator in an emergency.
You might also hear a defibrillator be called a defib, an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) or a PAD (Public Access Defibrillator). Read more about defibrillators.

About The Circuit
The Circuit is a national defibrillator network that provides a national overview of where defibrillators can be found. In an emergency it will ensure that all ambulance call handlers are able to quickly direct people to their nearest defibrillator.
The Circuit is led by British Heart Foundation with support from Resuscitation Council UK. Find out more.