John and Emma

Tick_stroke Case Study: John - "I couldn't have had a cardiac arrest at a better place"

In May 2022, John Martin had returned from a golfing holiday with friends when he experienced a sudden cardiac arrest at Luton Airport. Despite feeling fine when leaving the aeroplane, John collapsed at passport control.


Someone demonstrating CPR on a mannequin while using a defibrillator

Tick_stroke Make defibs accessible 24/7 to help increase survival rates across the UK, say national resus experts

Restart A Heart 2023 is focusing on equal access to defibrillators. RCUK and partners, are urging everyone looking after one – such as those in charge of pubs, sports clubs, community centres, churches and village halls – to make it accessible to the public 24/7, to give a person suffering a cardiac arrest the best chance of survival.


Simon Brown

Tick_stroke Case Study: Simon - "It took a team to save my life"

Simon was 53 and helping coach his son’s U17 football team.  As it was the festive season, the lads wanted a fun game with the coaches joining . Whilst playing, Simon felt a little dizzy and couldn’t catch his breath. He put his hands on his knees and that was it...


John and Susan

Tick_stroke Case Study: Susan - "CPR training helped save my husband’s life"

In May 2022, 24 hours before a flight to Italy, Susan’s husband, John, had a Sudden Cardiac Arrest. On that fateful day, both Susan and her daughter, Kendall were at home. They heard a strange noise coming from downstairs - a cross between a snore and a gurgle.


A photo of Amirah

Tick_stroke Case Study: Amirah - "Doing something is better than doing nothing at all"

Amirah noticed that a young man had fallen off his bike and had sustained significant trauma to his head and body. Whilst the emergency services had already been contacted, it became apparent to Amirah that nobody had assessed Lee’s breathing or pulse. After checking for a pulse and assessing his breathing, she established Lee was in cardiac arrest.


Photo of Zehra and her grandmother

Tick_stroke Case Study: Zehra - "The feeling of helplessness was so painful"

Despite maintaining an active lifestyle and engaging in daily activities without any complications, Zehra’s grandmother experienced a sudden cardiac arrest at home. After experiencing chest pains and wheezing very suddenly at around 11pm, her grandmother lost consciousness and, due to the absence of appropriate first aid measures, remained unresponsive.


Three men standing outside in the rain, with a helicopter in the background

Tick_stroke RCUK launches new online resource to support responder wellbeing

In August 2023, we launched a new online resource called Responder Wellbeing to promote better wellbeing for responders.


An infographic of a defibrillator against a red background

Tick_stroke Every state school in England given access to lifesaving defibrillators

Millions of children will now have access to lifesaving defibrillators in every state school in England, according to news from the Department for Education.
