A shot of three pages from the new Aaron's Heart book

Tick_stroke RCUK releases free baby and child CPR book, Aaron’s Heart

As part of our mission to teach everyone the skills to save a life, we’ve launched a new baby and child CPR book, which is available to order now for free.


An old, grainy photograph of a woman sitting on a sofa with two young children

Tick_stroke Case Study: Pippa - "Parents lack knowledge of Baby CPR"

Pippa Jones had grown up knowing CPR and first aid as a result of her involvement with organisations such as the Girl Guides, Red Cross, and Army Cadets, but nothing could prepare her for doing CPR on her child.


Dan, holding his son Noah.

Tick_stroke Case Study: Dan - "CPR varies vastly between an adult and a baby"

Noah Swales was just three days old when he died from bacterial meningitis on 21 May 2017, despite having shown none of the usual symptoms. On a spring day, Noah’s parents had introduced the newborn to family in the North East when tragedy struck.


Photos of people holding placards in Parliament Square

Tick_stroke RCUK raise awareness of the urgent need for a rehabilitation plan for survivors of cardiac arrest at Westminster event

On Monday 19 June, Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) hosted a parliamentary event to raise awareness of the urgent need to have a recovery plan to ensure people who have a cardiac arrest get the follow up care they urgently need.


Charlotte and her husband

Tick_stroke Case Study: Charlotte - 'Cardiac arrests happen to patients, not to Nurses'

On Boxing Day 2017, Charlotte’s world came crashing down when she suffered a cardiac arrest. Her incredible engineer husband performed eight minutes of CPR. 


An ECG line in red

Tick_stroke Resuscitation Council UK responds to concerns over DNR/DNACPR orders

Resuscitation Council UK is leading on the UK-wide adoption of the ‘ReSPECT’ process, which goes beyond End-of-Life Care, it’s about all of us at all stages of life having a healthcare plan that anticipates a life-threatening emergency.


Woman checking for responses for man on the floor in blue t-shirt

Tick_stroke RCUK and GoodSAM partner to train and alert the public to provide lifesaving resuscitation to neighbours in cardiac arrest

Resuscitation Council UK have teamed up with GoodSAM, a platform used to alert people to cardiac arrests in their area, to provide vital CPR training and defibrillator awareness to increase the numbers of people available to respond to the ultimate medical emergency via their interactive and immersive award winning video learning; Lifesaver. 


Photo of Samantha

Tick_stroke GoodSAM Cardiac Responder: Samantha Sharp

“This was the first time I had attended a cardiac arrest, so I was a bit nervous, but I took a deep breath and reminded myself that someone needed me quickly. Every minute without CPR decreases the chance of survival by 10%.”
