
  1. ILS (Immediate Life Support) Course

    Spend a day learning core skills in Immediate Life Support through lectures and hands-on workshops.

  2. Running Courses

  3. ILSi (Immediate Life Support Instructor Course)

    ILSi is specially designed for healthcare professionals who have been referred as a possible future Instructor in ILS for Resuscitation Council UK.

  4. PILS (Paediatric Immediate Life Support) Course

    If you need skills in Immediate Life Support that are tailored to be used with infants and children, PILS is an excellent option.

  5. ARNI (Advanced Resuscitation of the Newborn Infant) Course

    The ARNI course offers advanced training in Newborn Life Support.

  6. RCUK responds to new report on the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the UK’s nursing and residential homes

    A recent report by the Queen's Nursing Institute provides insight into the effects of COVID-19 in a number of areas for those working in the nursing and residential home sector.

  7. GIC (Generic Instructor Course)

    The Generic Instructor Course trains healthcare professionals so they can provide Resuscitation Council UK courses in ALS, NLS and more.

  8. FEEL (Focused Echocardiography in Emergency Life Support) Course

    FEEL is a specialist course that teaches healthcare professionals skills when using echocardiography and ultrasound in the critically ill patient.

  9. Adult Life Support Training

    Resuscitation Council UK's range of adult life support courses, including ALS, ILS and FEEL courses, online courses and recertification.

  10. Application for permission to reproduce RCUK materials

    Find out how to gain permission to reproduce the artwork contained in RCUK algorithms and other published materials.