
  1. Guidance: Choking

    Useful information about choking.

  2. Statement on 'The Chokeables'

    Resuscitation Council UK supports St John Ambulance's 'The Chokeables' campaign.

  3. Lifesaver

    Lifesaver is a game-in-a-film designed to teach the general public essential lifesaving skills in CPR and first aid.

  4. Lifesaver VR

    Lifesaver VR is an immersive virtual reality experience that puts you in the centre of an emergency.

  5. FAQs: Advanced Life Support

    Detailed answers to questions on advanced life support for newborns, paediatrics and adults.

  6. Quality Standards

    Standards - including minimum equipment and drug lists - for healthcare organisations to follow to provide a high-quality resuscitation service.

  7. Equipment used in homebirth

    An equipment list for use by those delivering resuscitation care for homebirths.

  8. Resuscitation on the Field of Play

    Resuscitation on the Field of Play best practice guidelines aim to improve the response to a sudden cardiac arrest on the field-of-play and increase the chances of a full recovery.

  9. Instructor Day Programme 2024

  10. GIC (Generic Instructor Course)

    The Generic Instructor Course trains healthcare professionals so they can provide Resuscitation Council UK courses in ALS, NLS and more.