
  1. ePILS (Paediatric Immediate Life Support) Course

    If you need skills in Immediate Life Support that are tailored to be used with infants and children, ePILS is an excellent option for blended learning.

  2. PILS (Paediatric Immediate Life Support) Course

    If you need skills in Immediate Life Support that are tailored to be used with infants and children, PILS is an excellent option.

  3. NLS (Newborn Life Support) Course

    Develop your practical and theoretical skills in newborn life support with our NLS course.

  4. PILS Recertification (Paediatric Immediate Life Support) Course

    If your PILS certification is set to expire, take our half-day PILS recertification course.

  5. ARNI (Advanced Resuscitation of the Newborn Infant) Course

    The ARNI course offers advanced training in Newborn Life Support.

  6. Survivors Quality Standard: call for feedback

    … assessment of physical, cognitive and mental health needs before and after hospital discharge and … include benefits to their physical, cognitive, and mental health and health-related quality of life. Consultation period : …

  7. Continuing professional development (CPD) for instructors

  8. Where in the UK has adopted the ReSPECT process?

  9. Cardiac arrest survivor support in the UK

  10. Support after cardiac arrest