
Wayne Hurst

Tick_stroke Resus in Practice: Wayne Hurst

There's never a dull day at the Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust - especially for Assistant Director of Nursing & Operations Wayne Hurst.

Resus in practice

Children gather around a CPR manikin to learn CPR

Tick_stroke CPR to become part of English school curriculum

After campaigning by organisations including Resuscitation Council UK, we’re pleased to announce that pupils will learn CPR at schools in England from 2020.


Children learning CPR

Tick_stroke 230,000 new lifesavers trained thanks to Restart a Heart 2018

230,000 people learned CPR during Restart a Heart 2018, ensuring they know what to do if they witness a cardiac arrest.

Press release

Constable John Price

Tick_stroke The Quick-Thinking Constable

A cardiac arrest was the last thing Constable John Price thought he’d witness on his shift – but when he did, he took steps to save a life. 

Case study