
Red ECG on white background

Tick_stroke NHS Long Term Plan: What does it mean for Resuscitation Council UK?

A look at the NHS Long Term Plan, and how it impacts our work in resuscitation training, research and guidelines. 


Red ECG on white background

Tick_stroke Statement on 2019 Health Profile for England

Resuscitation Council UK welcomes a predicted downward trend in heart disease and reflects on the continued need for high quality resuscitation.


Welsh Flag

Tick_stroke RCUK Urges Wales to include CPR in 2022 School Curriculum

Resuscitation Council UK has offered feedback to the Welsh government on their 2022 curriculum proposal, asking for CPR education to become an integral part of learning in Wales.


James Cant, RCUK CEO

Tick_stroke Resuscitation Council UK welcomes new CEO

Dr James Cant joins RCUK as CEO, bringing with him extensive experience and a drive to save more lives
