Community Grant Scheme

Apply for funding to raise awareness of CPR and defib use in your local community. 

RCUK’s Community Grant Scheme is closed for applications.   

As part of our Restart a Heart 2024 campaign, grants of up to £1,500 are available for small charities and community groups to help educate people about CPR and how to use a defib. In the UK, only 1 in 10 survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation education is vital to increasing the chances of survival from cardiac arrest in your community. 

Please note that these grants are not for the sole purpose of purchasing a defibrillator.

Applications are now closed.   

Grants of up to £1,500 are available to small charities (with an annual income of less than £500,000) and community groups including community interest companies (CICs) and faith groups. Projects that receive grants must be completed within the 2024/25 financial year (31 March 2025).

Funding priority will be given to charities and organisations working in geographical areas with low bystander CPR and high rates of cardiac arrest and/or working with communities experiencing inequalities in resuscitation. 

Priority will also be given to applications which clearly demonstrate how the project is tailored to meet the language, cultural, and educational needs of participants.  

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide funding for: 

  • individuals  
  • schools and colleges  
  • private or profit-making companies  
  • charities with an annual income above £500,000. 

If you’re not sure if your organisation is eligible, or you have a question about the application process, contact us at

For more resources to promote education and awareness in your local community:


Resuscitation Council UK’s game-in-a-film puts users at the heart of the action as they learn CPR and defibrillation skills through decision making.

How to do CPR

Learn how to perform CPR so you can give someone the chance of survival if they collapse and stop breathing.

Defib Dani

Watch our new animated character Defib Dani take you through the steps to using a public access defibrillator. Available in English, Welsh and Urdu.

Restart a Heart

Every year, we lead a fantastic group of organisations in delivering Restart a Heart Day, a campaign that encourages the public to learn CPR skills, so they are prepared to help in an emergency.