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Tick_stroke Resuscitation Council UK welcomes NCEPOD report

Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) welcomes the report, ‘Time Matters’, into the quality of care provided in UK hospitals following an out of hospital cardiac arrest.


Text that says 'ReSPECT: recommended summary plan for emergency care treatment'.

Tick_stroke Qualitative findings from the ReSPECT Evaluation Study

We welcome the publication online on 19 January of the findings of a qualitative observational study of ReSPECT conversations in six NHS Trusts.


Two teenage students practice CPR on a manikin in the classroom

Tick_stroke RCUK welcomes Social Democratic and Labour Party consultation on CPR education

The SDLP has launched a consultation on proposals to introduce legislation that would introduce compulsory CPR training and AED awareness training for every young person in secondary education across Northern Ireland.

A group of people on an ARNI course, standing around a manikin

Tick_stroke Trainee Representative needed for RCUK ARNI Subcommittee

Resuscitation Council UK is looking for a Trainee Representative to join our Advanced Resuscitation of the Newborn Infant (ARNI) Subcommittee.
