
An image of Asad lying in a hospital bed

Tick_stroke Case Study: Asad - "From the football pitch to a coma in a matter of hours"

When Asad met his work friends to play a 90 minute kickabout, he wasn’t expecting to wake up in hospital. Were it not for the presence of two hospital medics, he might not have woken up at all.

Case study

Photo of Dave

Tick_stroke Case Study: Dave Cleland

On Saturday Feb 13, 2021, Dave had a heart attack and a week later he went into a state of cardiac arrest – the ultimate medical emergency – his heart had stopped beating.  

Case study

An ECG line in red

Tick_stroke RCUK position statement – alternative resuscitation courses

Resuscitation Council UK is the UK’s authoritative body for resuscitation standards and training and publication of the national Resuscitation Guidelines. RCUK’s courses are aligned with these guidelines to ensure they are up to date with the best evidence-based clinical and teaching practices. 


A photo of a tall white smiling man in a striped shirt and black jeans with his hands crossed in front of him.

Tick_stroke "Why you should become involved in more than the “24/7 of the day job"" - An opinion piece by Alan Williams, Registered Nurse

"Whilst it's not possible to predict the future, you can shape your future. Having a plan will provide a direction, whether this continues the way you originally envisaged or alters in the light of your experience."

Case study