
  1. Medical student uses in-hospital skills at home

    Just two weeks after learning Basic Life Support at medical school, Dhiraj Patel found himself needing to use his new skills in his own home.

  2. Anaphylaxis essentials

    Resuscitation Council UK's Anaphylaxis essentials e-learning comprises four modules to support healthcare providers to gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of the pathophysiology, treatment and management of anaphylaxis.

  3. Quality Standards: Acute care equipment and drug lists

    Adult and paediatric equipment and drug lists for use in an acute setting.

  4. Quality Standards: Mental health inpatient care

    Quality Standards for cardiopulmonary resuscitation practice and training in settings that deliver mental healthcare.

  5. The ABCDE Approach

    Information about using the Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure (ABCDE) approach to assess and treat patients.

  6. Executive summary of the main changes since the 2015 Guidelines

    An introduction to the 2021 Guidelines, including details of key changes.

  7. FAQs: Advanced Life Support

    Detailed answers to questions on advanced life support for newborns, paediatrics and adults.

  8. Paediatric advanced life support Guidelines

    Guidelines for treating children who require advanced life support.

  9. Executive Committee

    Resuscitation Council UK has an Executive Committee, who have a wide range of clinical expertise that they use to advise the Board of Trustees as well as the wider staff team.

  10. Quality Standards: CPR and AED training in the community

    Quality Standards for CPR practice and training in the community.