Support after cardiac arrest

RCUK, Welsh NHS Ambulance Service and Save a Life Cymru logos.

Welcome to Resuscitation Council UK’s (RCUK) dedicated support page for anyone affected by cardiac arrest.

At RCUK, we believe that everyone has the right to make their best possible recovery after experiencing cardiac arrest.

We have identified appropriate resources compiled from clinical research and the experiences of those affected by cardiac arrest, to support you wherever you are on your recovery journey.  

Cardiac arrest survivor support

Resources for survivors of cardiac arrest.

Bystanders and families (co-survivors) support

Resources for co-survivors of cardiac arrest.

Children and young person (12-35 years) support

Resources for young survivors of cardiac arrest.

Responder support

Resources for healthcare professionals who have responded to cardiac arrest.

Get Involved 

My Right to Cardiac Arrest Recovery campaign

At RCUK, we believe that everyone affected by, cardiac arrest, must be able to access appropriate, ongoing, personalised support. That’s why we want to help to improve the provision of cardiac arrest survivor support. 

To learn more about our campaign, please read here

If you want to get involved or have any comments or feedback on improving this page, please email

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