Statement on 'The Chokeables'

Resuscitation Council UK fully supports St John Ambulance’s ‘The Chokeables’ campaign. 

Dr Andrew Lockey explains why it's so important: 

‘The Chokeables highlights the potential danger of everyday objects to babies: a pen lid, a marble and even a jelly sweet.  

‘As an Emergency Physician I have seen several deaths caused by choking, a number of which could easily have been prevented by using first aid skills.  

‘St John's imaginative and engaging advert demonstrates how to help a choking baby in three swift steps.  

‘Their research found that 80% of parents wouldn't know how to administer the correct first aid if they found themselves in the situation.  

‘Let's help change this by watching and sharing The Chokeables, it is lifesaving information that every parent should watch.' 

Click here to find out more about The Chokeables