Resus Census 2023

An image of the RCUK conference, lots of people in an auditorium looking at a screen which says 'thank you'. Text overlay reads 'Resus Census 2023. Share your thoughts with us'

We’re excited to announce that the Resus Census 2023 is live!   

We want to get a better understanding of our Instructors, Course Centres, Candidates and e-Lifesaver customers to ensure we’re meeting your needs, as well as identifying areas which will enable us to better connect with, and serve, our community.  

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are key pillars of our Vision to 2030 as we work towards our goal of reducing health inequalities in the wider resuscitation sphere. In order to do this successfully, we first need to look internally at our offering – to identify and address any inequalities that we may be inadvertently perpetuating.  

You should soon receive an email inviting you to participate in our Resus Census 2023. If for some reason you did not get the email but would like to participate, you can follow the links below to complete the survey.

Instructors, Candidates & Course Centres

If you are an Instructor, Candidate or Course Centre please use this link to complete your survey.

e-Lifesaver Customers

If you are an e-Lifesaver customer, please use this link to complete your survey. 

Your responses will help underpin our strategy moving forward and help us achieve our Vision to 2030.  

If you have any questions about the survey, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at  

The survey will close on Friday 10 February 2023. We thank you in advance for your time and support.