Response to CQC and GDC statement on life support training for dental professionals during the pandemic


We welcome the Care Quality Commission and General Dental Council’s support for ongoing life support training for dental professionals during the pandemic.

They have set out that providers and individual dental professionals should continue to make every effort to complete accredited BLS/ILS training annually to ensure training in line with our Quality Standards: Primary Dental Care.

We appreciate that COVID-19 social distancing can make accessing accredited training difficult, but there are a number of options available.

For those practitioners wanting to access Immediate Life Support courses, many of our accredited ILS Course Centres have continued to successfully run socially distant courses throughout the pandemic in line with Government Guidelines. Our course portfolio also includes a blended eILS course that reduces the face to face training time, yet maintains the quality of learning. We know that many BLS training providers have also adapted during the pandemic to provide learning online.

For non-clinical dental staff, eLifesaver is a great training solution as it is an interactive and engaging way to learn CPR and how to use an AED. Currently available as a SCORM-compliant digital education tool that is easy to follow and simple to use, it offers an affordable option for practices to ensure their non-clinical team have the skills to save a life.