Help us shape our Vision to 2030 

RCUK is inviting the resuscitation and health and social care community, as well as people with lived experience of cardiac arrest or CPR decision making, to provide feedback on our Vision to 2030

The four key goals outlined in the Vision to 2030 all feed into our core mission to ensure that everyone who has a cardiac arrest has access to appropriate cardiopulmonary resuscitation. They also have an increased focus on support and follow-up care post-cardiac arrest. 

We’re asking everyone with an interest in resuscitation in the UK to read about the goals on our Vision to 2030 webpage, and to share their expertise and insight to help us understand how we can achieve and measure these goals. 

After reading the Vision to 2030 page, please complete our survey to provide your feedback. 

Whether you’re a healthcare professional working in resuscitation, or a person with lived experience of resuscitation services, we’d love to hear from you. 

The survey closes at 4pm on Friday, 11 February 2022.  

For more information about what we do and our aims and objectives, visit our page about who we are