Case Study: Pippa - "Parents lack knowledge of Baby CPR"

Pippa Jones had grown up knowing CPR and first aid as a result of her involvement with organisations such as the Girl Guides, Red Cross, and Army Cadets, but nothing could prepare her for doing CPR on her child.

Anticipating the return of her army fiancé, Pippa had put her two children in the bath before being distracted by a phone call. Her 11-month-old son, Luke, had been placed in a bath seat while her two-year-old daughter was sitting in the shallow bath unaided.

Pippa took the call in another room, ending the conversation in under two minutes, after judging the call as not being important. Throughout the call, Pippa could hear her two children playing and splashing. Returning to the bathroom, Pippa noticed that Luke's seat in the bath was empty - spotting him face down in the water, floating still.

Luke was lifeless and grey – no heartbeat, no pulse, no breathing. Pippa quickly removed Luke from the bath, laid him on the floor, and gave him rescue breaths before starting to administer chest compressions.

Pippa’s knowledge of correct CPR techniques allowed her to act fast – she quickly grabbed the phone and rang 999.

It was one of the scariest moments in my life. Your brain goes into panic and you feel like the world is crumbling down around you.
Pippa, Luke's mother

Pippa commented: "I am so lucky to have known how to deliver CPR to different ages, as I know it’s something some parents lack knowledge of."

The 999 operator took control of the situation, helping to calm her and guide her through what to do until an ambulance arrived. She continued to give Luke chest compressions, noticing he had gone from grey to purple – a sign that CPR may be having an impact.

Pippa quickly became anxious that no help was coming quickly and moved Luke outside – continuing to perform CPR. Pippa turned Luke on his side for the bathwater to drain from his mouth. After several more minutes of CPR, Luke gave a positive response and started to scream-cry. Luke was unconscious but making noises and breathing.

A helicopter arrived and took Pippa and Luke to the Bath Hospital emergency department unit, whilst a member of the ambulance service looked after her daughter.

Luke required vital life support during his recovery but was able to make a full recovery. It continues to remind Pippa that every minute is essential in emergencies, especially when children are involved, and the importance of every parent knowing CPR, so they have the skills to help save a little life