Restart a Heart returns this October 2024! Learn CPR, act fast, save lives.
Restart a Heart (RSAH) is an annual initiative led by Resuscitation Council UK which aims to increase the number of people surviving out-of-hospital cardiac arrests by helping more people learn CPR.
Find out how you can support our Restart a Heart campaign, watch videos, download resources, and more on this page.
Survival rates from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest remain stubbornly low in the UK, with fewer than one in 10 people surviving.
What is Restart a Heart?
Every October an alliance of partners all over the world (including UK Ambulance Services, universities, and other charitable and public sector community-based organisations and first aid training organisations) come together to increase public awareness of cardiac arrests and the number of people trained in lifesaving CPR and defibrillation.
We do this by organising and facilitating training events and by providing opportunities for people to learn CPR and defibrillation digitally in the safety and comfort of their own homes.
You can expect to see Restart a Heart events happening throughout October, and on Restart a Heart day on 16 October. This year we are encouraging everyone to become ready for the ultimate medical emergency by learning the steps to CPR and how to use a defib. We are also continuing to highlight inequalities in resuscitation.
Whether you're hosting an event or attending one, teaching in person or learning online, you have a key role to play in improving survival rates from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. You can ensure that everyone has a chance to learn CPR and how to use a defib and that those having a sudden cardiac arrest have their best chance of surviving.